Monday, May 26, 2008

Rubber Ducky you're the one!

So yesterday, while out shopping for a flag to hang on this stake we got, we found a relative of Pato who has yet to be named, but will probably be named Anatra, the Italian-Mexican cousin of Pato who journeyed to the shores of New England. I'm sure once Anatra has become accustomed to his new home, he will shed his serape and start blogging! So stay tuned! Anatra seems like he'll be quite the rambunctious lil duck!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Long day of work

Working a 16 hour day today. Gotta make me some bling-o! Thankfully though I'm off tomorrow so I can kinda sleep it off and then gotta go to the dump cuz we have bout 2 mths worth of trash/recyclables haha.

I would much rather be home right now hula hooping or ski jumping in Wii Fit but nah...sitting here playing Pogo, reading and surfing the web, blogging (and getting paid for it!)

I'll catch up tomorrow though with Fit/XBox :)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

I be boredddd

Really haven't done much of anything at work. Basically been sitting here, whether it be playing pogo, reading or watching the LA Dodgers play on a Play by Play on I've just been flat out borrreeeeddd! And now Amy disappeared on me! :P Comeeee backkk lol

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Rain, rain, go away

So I'm sitting here at work, looking out at the dreariness of the outside world and realize that it seems like all week its sunny (but cool, blah) and then the weekend comes along and mother nature is like, "I'm gonna stick it to New England and make it rain". Seems like more or less that's what it does every weekend, at least to start off the spring. If I remember correctly...last year for like 2 months straight, every weekend it'd be a washout. Doesn't really matter to me, cuz most of the time I'm here at work. But I know, with having the next two sets of weekends off, I'm sure it'll be a washout and Amy and I will be stuck inside the house with cabin fever. Oh well, at least I won't be work :-D

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Fawning over a Focus

So Amy just got a Focus and boy am I jealous! It has so many fun lil things like ambient lighting, cruise control, Sirius radio and of course, Sync! Makes me wanna trade in my truck for one, but having a truck comes in handy so it wouldn't make sense (altho if gas keeps going up, who knows). I am, however, gonna miss Amy's old car, Leon the Neon :( Hope your new owner takes care of ya!