Wednesday, August 8, 2007


So I've been a bored lil beaver today. Not a busy one, just a bored one. Haven't really done anything productive at all today but sit here and browse the web. Other than that, nothing. Really nothing going on. Turned myself into a Simpsons character and it kinda looks like me! Haha. Got our engagement pix back from our photog and they came out really good! So hard to figure out which one we wanna go with but we came to an agreement we think. Other than that, nothing going on.
Oh, did I mention the Red Sox are stinkin up the joint lately? Our lead over the Evil Empire keeps shrinkin and its now down to 5 games! EEK! Gonna end up bein another 1978 all over again!!! :-o

1 comment:

amy said...

u say that like u remember 1978 old man! =)