Saturday, May 2, 2009

Animal Lover

Well, last night I truly realized how much of an animal lover I am. Last night, around 10pm on my way home, I noticed a possum crossing the roadway right in front of me. I slowed down as much as I could and thinking that it had made it, I felt a ba-bump. I can't tell you how much it's bothered me since then, the whole way home I was actually in a funk. I know it's a rodent but I can't help but think that I hurt some possum's mom or dad or brother or sister. I kinda want to go back to where it occurred to see that maybe he/she is okay and isn't there anymore.

UPDATE: Just a little update, actually went back yesterday and looks like he may have scurried off afterwards cuz there was no roadkill. Definitely made me feel a lil better :)

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