Tuesday, September 29, 2009


So, things have changed a little since my last blog entry. Recently I received a call about the job position that I had interviewed for and was told that one of the people vying for the job dropped his name from the running and I was next in line. Of course I was thrilled and was told that if I could, to attend a doctors physical that afternoon. Of course I said...and then was told I'd have to pay out of pocket for it. Um, why am I paying for healthcare then? So, I was like, 'ok, gotta do what I gotta do' and went ahead and paid a ridiculous amount of money for what I coulda had my doc do for just a simple co-pay.

Well, now zip forward a couple weeks to the present day where I have a physical agility test which I'm now finding I have to pay for once again, out of pocket. And on top of it, I'm being told that I cannot take a training day for it and have to burn two vacation days. Sure, people tell me it'll be worth it in the long run, but if I'm having doubts about it now, what's to say I won't have these doubts down the road? Oh, did I mention, that basically I just get on this list to be hired even though I won't be hired for several years down the road, probably when I'm close to 40? I got a lot weighing on me right now and just not sure what I wanna do anymore. :(

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Why Bother?

Today that is my general theme of my post.

Just picked up Guitar Hero 5 and that song by Weezer is on the game and man it's such a catchy song! Take a listen.

As for second part of the theme ties in with work. Sometimes I wonder, Why Bother? No matter how much I do, no matter what I do, I cannot seem to catch a break. Basically I've been at my job for 5+ years now. I'm attempting to land a full time gig within my job at another position. However, I just can't seem to catch a break and now I just kinda sing that Weezer song in my head and I feel as though it fits my mood.

To take a step away from my theme, lately I've become quite the g33k. Not only have we picked up Guitar Hero 5 (which between Amy, Ian and myself have almost beaten in 2 sittings), I've jumped on board and picked up a new PS3 slim. That now completes the trifecta of Wii, XBox360 and now the PS3. *pushes up my horn rimmed glasses and adjusts pocket protector*

That is all, feel free to play with the new fishies I've put at the top of my blog. Take a couple clickeroos anywhere in the box to see what happens :)