Monday, March 29, 2010

Holy 2 months!

Yea, so it's been awhile I know. I have no excuse either cuz most days I sit at work and could probably blog about any time I wanted.

Finally happy that the snow is pretty much done for for the time being *knocks on wood* however I've had to prepare to build an Ark cuz all it freaking does is rain around here lately and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have a Koi pond in my basement soon lol.

Also since last blogging I've booked a trip to Disney! WOOO! Heading down there in May (See countdown)Gonna be good to get away, even if it is just for a few days, I won't be at work nor will I be near Raynham lol. I will however, miss my brat (aka Bindi).

Other than that, it's mostly just been hanging around, playing video games, watching our DVR and catching some flicks in the theaters: Alice in Wonderland (which was one of the best movies I've seen in a long long time) and Shutter Island which was also an awesome and captivating movie.

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