Friday, June 4, 2010

Dear John (or Massachusetts)

So here it is, my Dear John letter to Massachusetts. Been meaning to write this since we've gotten back from Disney so here it goes:

Dear Massachusetts,

For the past 30 years it's been a love/hate relationship between us. I've grown to love you for your Boston sports, your summers are great and the culture here is quite unique.

However, I hate you for your winter, your snow, your cold weather, your nasty seafood that everyone seems to like.

So here I write you a fond farewell, I'm leaving you for the warm weather and beaches of Florida where I never have to worry about shoveling my driveway, my allergies won't be as bad and I can pretty much go swimming 365 days a year. I'll find a way to get Boston Sports so adieu Massachusetts.


Of course I'm really not leaving MA, not anytime soon at least but this is what I'd write if I did lol.

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

Dear Dan,
I read your letter to Massachusetts and write to you today to invite you to move to the South.

You don't need a snowblower at any point during the year, and we have baseball teams too. We celebrate every event with a special drink. Hurricane parties anyone? However, be warned that we like to keep our humidity level set on "soup" for three months straight. And we still have that so-called "nasty" seafood in our cuisine.

And please don't go swimming in the Gulf; it's currently a bit dirty.

In any case, we would be glad to have you here! Just learn to start pronouncing your Rs. And bring mosquito repellant.

The Gulf Coast