Saturday, July 3, 2010

World Cup

So you might have heard of this little event going on called the World Cup, well if you haven't just ask Amy and she'd probably be able to tell you how tired she is of me watching soccer 24/7 hehe. Before the Cup I had played soccer for most of my youth (started around when I was 6 and stopped when I was probably around 15-16ish). So soccer has pretty much always been in my blood most of my life. Anyways, I've watched or have watched almost every single game that's been aired (sometimes 3 games/day). So ya, that's that, been actually been doin some research to see if there are any recreational leagues around where I live and there's a couple but then again, I'd prob need awhile to get back into playing form lol.

Oh Caitlin, this is for you... See: Countdown :)


Caitlin said...

:D :D :D :D

ESteid said...

I see Germany taking it this year.